femaleI’m not sure what identification monikersare most common identificationI have among strangers is that a Chineseperson can I find myself in reaction that how others are interacting with me but if I were interacting only with myself that would be as a sign in as a father is this identity visible hidden or concealed belt dad in Chinese is very evident and has been a cause of some discomfort lately because of the political situation but the other parts are invisible until I begin to speak how much do you think about this identity probably next how I see myself if you could sum up how Society views you in three words what would they be I think now it’s just saved my life Parkland visual I think I’m not dude it’s very important but that’s not how I feel number one number to mail number three older what does privilege mean to you choices it means Solutions I think about this search for me me benefit not do you consider yourself privileged Elsa I’m privileged that I’m in a good relationship I’m privileged that we are financially comfortable I’m privileged my life is not a struggle children are healthy don’t have things that hold me back or things that I could help cuz I believe that benefits earned our privileges I don’t feel privileged I sure gratified that that much I worked very hard to achieve occurred but they don’t call them privileges well you kind of already answered this in a way but can privileges be ordered I didn’t see it that way when you ask question feelings that I express you are not earned feeling I don’t see it that way David the different interpretation of can you think of a time when you really felt your privilege and it’s okay if the answer is no I wouldn’t call it a privilege but I would say that I had stereotypes lied to me that were beneficial in the context of how those three types were made for example The Stereotype of a Chinese man who wears glasses that speaks very good English is presumed and other ways that are advantageous to the particular situation I don’t call that a privilege I call that the benefits that derive from a stereotype that I wouldn’t necessarily want to have can you think of a time when you felt disadvantaged are at a disadvantage a lot as a woman where people don’t treat me the same as they would have been friends since recently when we had contractors in our house we were rather dismissive of me when I ask questions I thought that is a lot of social contact or you know my breast so well reconsidering what you just described I believe that I have benefited from privileges of being a man but not in the same way that a white man would have benefited an example I have benefits that are attributed to me for being tall which of course has nothing to do with anything except for the bias in better than Western Society the tall was associated with intelligence advancements so that would be a benefit not earned but I see it more as a stereotype being that HR Chinese is so different that garnered attention relative to stealing the situation I have been verbally accosted assaulted I would say for being Chinese because of the current political situation of the coronavirus which has been encouraged by the current Administration do you see a connection with it probably yes about how to explain it so I just finished resume class where we had new members join because we just started the fall semester and the new members are all older white men the distinct feeling whether or not it was intended by these new white men members was it they should be listened to expected to be listen to even though this is a Zumba class of 25 people enter such I think that privilege as expressed as white privilege particularly white man’s privilege has innumerable expectations better signal overtly implicitly example resume class I just finished okay we just do you ever feel and I mean that in the sense that at these moments when you felt at a disadvantage or you see others at a disadvantage do you ever feel the need to ask or the call Hannah Kate weather launch a protest March probably something like that or two act in a way that I thought would help even afford subtle yeah you know where to start and what it is I know when we were on a smart or organizations is an act their shuttle is quiet but the kind of action okay these two more questions are one less that you want to add something well I think that’s certainly I believe I didn’t gauge than two types of actions when is a form of Jiu Jitsu where you leverage against that which is a current example bag contractors you come over to the house that ignore your mother because she’s a woman and therefore I will introduce myself as a man in order to keep the thing moving rather than try to convince the person that actually Christine knows more about the problem that needs to be solved 90 that’s not confrontational that’s rather trying to lubricate the situation to get the problem solved that we need done it at that moment the more overt method would be when I see either overt macro aggression or persistent microaggression and I will pull it out and called it out on this area soon classes where there is China bashing going on and extended to those of Chinese descent and I’ve seen it in other meetings of Corporations where there is evidence inclusive bias unconscious bias and I will try to call it out as being against the values that are supposed to be in the company so but you have to pick and choose those okay these last two questions are they can be yes or no or you can elaborate if you turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper you will see people who look like you widely and positively represented yes for you I would say that you will see yourself in the newspapers or media marketing opportunities so that regards it is one of being in the majority that has a marketing opportunity weather beic man but those are not Chinese man built or white man example of what would justify the Hitman the final question is I can be pretty sure that if I get angry and ask to talk to the person in charge I will be facing a person who looks like me absolutely. Probably not my situation is almost always been being the only person of color in the room where decisions are made read last night when I talked to Zoe about this about the newspaper thing she said that she would not see images of herself and I said I would see images of myself but she disagreed and said that she sees me everywhere and she said someone in their 30s doing whatever they want traveling the world and getting a new dog okay well when I don’t I don’t see myself because I don’t see people of mixed race and when I do see a woman of color that usually have long hair their tall they’re skinny they are very beautiful they have long hair and their if they are a person of color there usually a black person and anytime I see an Asian woman it’s better for the new Mulan trailer or she’s an engineer or she’s in Tech and so he said well you’re not Asian and I was like okay well and I said that’s because people look at you and they say that you’re half white and they look at me and they say hi I’m half asian yeah yeah well neither one of you we don’t see a lot we don’t see a lot of Asians in the mood and marijuana a lot of mixed races future wife print media and and they often portray people of color in a negative mode does Embassy in San Francisco it’s a little different than the rest we have people of color are FedEx unique to United States you going to have to be more specific identify in terms of race nationality sexual orientation gender Siri when people ask you how you are doing what people are asking because my answer depends no comment if it's the government in general just say 3333 year old male that's the visible identityoutside of the age the one that I gave you I don't think much about it if there was any part of that identity that identifier thought about Mossad probably be the male part is because Society puts different pressures in The Simpsons on men these questions are more about people to give an in-depth answer of how they would have done if I like race and gender and sexual orientation obviously answers to be more elaborate but in my opinion if someone was asking me about those identity features it's not there it's not their business nor it's something that I would share with anybody if you what parts of society yeah so I can I give you two answers so answer number one is the kavya in the communities that I'm mostly interact with their predominantly middle to upper middleclass and predominately white reason I emphasize the white part is because that view I think is different than maybe General Society or the the Roses society that we all Aspire think it should be so I think generally they look at me as a young probably younger than I actually am mixer Asian male I don't think they make any strong judgments on my socioeconomic factor and I think the occasion was so sweet stair types with being Asian go along with their assumptions that's from the society that has generally white and upper middle class a city in New York where it's quite diverse I think they would just view me as a mixed rather than Asian young man are probably on The Middle socioeconomic scale nothing more than average what does privilege mean what does privileged mean to me previous means access to opportunity. Others don't have that are in and out of your control. Which also means also means welt education and privilege to me that means choices thousand percent yes also I have a loving family that's financially secure all the opportunities that fast forward to make it and Achieve and prosper and not only this society as a minority but in general more than anyone else all things that's me alright so a thousand percent I'm going to say generally know I think when people ask him privileges biyernes people might immediately say well you earned it by hard work you are and if I'm making money you are by studying real hard in school in the fact is that I think in society and the structures built around us you can do all those and you can put in the Blood Sweat and Tears but if the system doesn't work for you it doesn't matter so can it be earned in general I don't think so I think there are moments here and there but during the wildfires being able to go to college anytime on on a vacation vacation itself anytime there's a job opportunity I mean there's countless times everyday I feel privileged that I have choices didn't have a choice to go to a job that I have a choice to spend money that I have a choice to travel and visit my family every single one of those moments anytime someone describes me or views me by my exterior specifically me being mixed or Asian is when is automatically your being put in the box and assumed it out I'm in we always joke Isabel right that we didn't know that we are next until white people so is the white hierarchy easy connection between expectations I do I think it's less about exceeding expectations and I think it's more about Billy expectations I think that the idea that is if you have privilege and let's say you can waste privilege but then maybe you can always abused privileged so for example if you're a upper middle-class kids from Moran and you got into opioids with the opioid epidemic because you're over prescribed by a doctor and as a result you became a drug addict then you didn't meet expectations but if you're in the same class and you became the doctor I don't think you exceeded expectations that make sense Define Act and that's any degree of Act is that correct yeah absolutely I do feel the need to act and I think that they do act at times because I am partly privileged I have the flexibility in the choice to act many people don't in terms of what in the end end to what means Zoe talks about volunteering and mom talked about building so sure yeah I think I do I think the first part is being vocal the second part is I think it's also just your own behavior that's where usually I start myself and example being female empowerment yeah I'm a gentleman asked me how what did I do how how did I earn in my response was I didn't do anything I acted as if I would treat anybody else than just the sheer active expecting that a young woman on my team would have equal weight responsibilities as a young man in the same position was the behavior that when we leave work so I think that's it is a place where I generally start his men Behavior I have a question in there they can be yes or no if you turn on the television or open the front page of the paper you will see people who look like you widely and positively I'm going to say yes and no to that I'm going to say no from the outside meaning other people don't view me as I view myself if I look at it then I do some people like me because I generally do myself as upper-middle class mail person in charge of the person who looks like oh absolutely not because I'm and some part of young but BM mixed absolutely no no you talking in person charge highly likely that it's going to be an old white man okay Tell me a little bit about you my name is Mark I live in Raleigh I'm from New York born in New York move to San Francisco for a number of years in Raleigh for about the last year how do you identify I identify as Jewish another question of life is that a race or not and I don't think there's any hard answer but as far as what how do I identify that's always been the first thing that I think of I mean my family all of my grandparents are first-generation Americans all of their families were from Gold Rush show the old Soviet Union territories in all of my grandparents for first-generation Americans I'm sorry that you know as far as cultural heritage to identify when someone asks me that my first thought is is really just to say I'm Jewish definitely all of them and it's it's a combination of a lot of things I mean you know 222 a large extent Judaism is a religion right it's not a race but at the same time I've been told by people that I know I've been approached by strangers who say they saw my face and they know that I'm Jewish I've had friends say to me I saw someone on the street that looks just like you and I save for the sake bearded and vaguely Jewish looking and every time so I do think that something bad that's visually identifiable to some people but not to not to everyone some people might just see me as a generic white male boxing I would say nearly daily I had a conversation with a friend years ago who once said to me that you know just about every day of your life something will happen conversation will happen almost at every day of your life you will be reminded of the fact that you're Jewish not necessarily negative sometimes positive your I am someone who identifies as part of this group that is a major minority and I'm not necessarily A deeply religious person and it's not it's not about that for me it's just about it's a part of my call through it's a part of my Heritage it's a part of my family it's a part of who I am regardless of what I say or what I believe I am Jewish because I was born Jewish but it's me a lot when I was living in San Francisco. I never really did it and I always felt guilty and now living in North Carolina which I consider to be very much the South it feels weird in that sense I mean I don't think anyone's down there looks at me and passing those oh that that's a Jewish guy but I feel like a Target and not that I've had experiences down there but I guess I feel more out of place even though maybe I look less so out of place because there are less people that would see me and see my facial features and recognize that you know I'm I'm I'm Jewish I kind of feel a bit more sometimes and other people but that's a whole other can of worms how to save YouTube videos white male Jewish privilege to me means not have to worry about things that other people have to worry about that I've been privileged comes in many different forms but ultimately to me it just means there are difficulties that you don't you're not going to have to face that other people have to face were things will be easier for you and you're part of a kind of a select group of smaller group just by the nature of issues that you don't have to deal with that so many other people do have to deal with and a lot of times that privilege comes with you know things that you don't you don't think about that you don't approve of things that you take for granted that a lot of other people don't have the luxury of taking it for granted consider yourself pregnant no not overall I mean I realize that I am a white heterosexual male and by that definition alone I am in the top class of of privilege and then I'm not allowed to complain about anything just buy those things alone in the world but in from my experience you had a middle-class upbringing and you know I don't feel as though I've had I guess for my point is I don't it's not apparent to me I don't feel as though I've had a leg up in the world even though introspectively I feel like I'm supposed to recognize that by the color of my skin by my gender and things like that that I am privileged yes privileges can be earned I think personally when I think of privilege as a broader concept I'm usually initially drawn to the things that are a bit more 1/8 or a bit more you know just part of someone's life and part of some experience from birth what can provide be earned absolutely you know people can really the one main thing that comes to mind with learning privilege is is financial finance Financial power financial status you know whether it's acquiring money through work acquiring when I think of acquiring privilege or sorry earning earning privilege I guess my mind Ross to finance first and foremost which kind of puts someone in a different category than most of the world one thing that comes to mind last year my fiance and I will have to be the interviewee we leave we left our jobs in our homes and we packed up to travel abroad he told her friends and family and people that we knew and ran into we're traveling abroad we're going to travel the world for 6 months and even just saying that allowed felt very imposter syndrome and it felt very like people could only do that if they have a lot of money if they have the financial ability to to do that and I honestly even fell just talking about it with other people at Felts gloating I don't know it is felt like even just a conversation bringing up the conversation just mentioning it to me felt like there was financial status attached to it even though I didn't look at that as the reality of my situation I felt like speaking about it was like waving it in someone's face Financial kind of way I guess that was the one saying where that I can think of right now where it felt privileged just try to think of it as if I had heard someone else say to me I am doing this we're leaving our jobs are packing up our things I'm going to try you have the money for that leave your job and travel like you must be in a comfortable situation so I guess because my mind first goes to the finance side of it I assumed but that's where other people take it so that made me uncomfortable talking about it when I was excited and nervous at the same time you know about this fun thing that my fiance Network we're planning to do maybe that's that's more I guess everything that I just said kind of identifies more with guilt but how kilts was attached to my sense of reflection of privilege what time did I stop yeah time that I felt disadvantage the one thing that comes to mind is when I first left New York and then drove out to San Francisco and started a new life in San Francisco and it took a little bit for me to get a job and then I did and I wasn't making that much money I was skating by but some friends that I had out there were more local and they definitely came from comfortable memes and their friends that they hung out with came from very very comfortable affluent advantageous situations and just hanging out with them on the weekends I just felt like the conversations they were having and just knowing where they came from and basically just knowing that you know they imposter syndrome is the best way to put it I felt like I didn't even belong having a conversation with these people because I knew that they were going to forever be millionaires in here I was with you know mediocre job kind of making ends meet so like me going out on the weekend hanging out with her friends was like my big thing for them that was like a quiet quiet time where they you know maybe where I'm spending as much money as they would of the Chimes connection between expectations and privilege all right now I feel compelled to act yes there are times when you know certainly things that were going on spring and summer things pertaining to social. I'm just being forced to sit at home and go through your screen and looking at the news I'm looking at what was going on in the world outside and it definitely made me feel guilty in a sense of how could I not be doing something how can I not be out there marching with people because if I'm not marching with people does that mean that I don't you know that I'm not on the right side so as far as being pushed feeling compelled to act yes but I guess so much what I was saying previously I think it kind of comes from feelings of guilt almost do I know where to start I don't think there is any one specific I think there's the answer is there is no answer any little thing or any big thing that you do is good but it also is not enough so you need to continually work whether it's educated yourself whether it's somehow taking action that specifically affects another person honestly I think the answer is anything big or small is helpful is the right thing to do but is also not enough because you can always continue what you do more if you turn on the television or open if you if you turn on the television if you are. I would say no to things the first one just cuz I was speaking about it earlier as far as my Jewish identity certainly don't think Jewish people are looked at in a positive light in American Media today there either becoming scapegoats or by being victims of anti-Semitism that sometimes seems to be the only depiction and the only narrative and it and it just makes me uncomfortable when that's the only thing that you see on the flip side just as being a white male I feel like I constantly need to apologize for the awful things that white males are are doing it and then I was being represented in the mediait just seems like the bad guy the villain is always a white male and it makes me cringe because never called this is how I identify myself you know how early I know that that's how I'm presented to people so I guess it's something that I feel any to my almost need to apologize for sometimes how old is Jason I would say no because if I think about it it it probably would I feel like the answer. I'm supposed to say is that it would be a white male but I just don't think they would look like me or I would look at them and I would just think different again because I think of the typical white male it is the term wasp I guess I guess part of it is that I feel different from how I think I am portrayed and how I come across so when I see people that my first thought is you're not you're not Jewish there are white male separate from me I guess what I want to say is I answer is because I feel a comfortability I don't feel a level of familiarity I feel in other nests so while to someone else you might have here is two white males having a conversation I don't feel sameness I feel other nests but there was an apple you got it you got it like you got it you got to chop me up Whatever is your answer is your answer so don't worry if there's no lie quiz or test or anything one of those 66 years old I have a part-time job and I'm very involved in being safe during covid-19 children and I just became a grandmother baby girl went to boys and that I have a daughter-in-law and a future daughter-in-law and the baby granddaughter who is the light of Our Lives now friend's husband I'm 67 years old I work in the Garment Center I work in bookkeeping accounting right now and working from home for 6 months and said I have the same feelings as far as our granddaughter or tell us what what's going on I mean as far as being I'm I identify as being female and Y and Jewish and married and I identify as male Island very Suburban neighborhood and white and Jewish have two wonderful kids terrific granddaughter have a great is this identity physical hidden or concealed herbal absolutely visible Isabel how much do you think oh very often like daily if you could sum up how Society views you in three words what would they be senior citizen New Yorker White now say happy laughing and friendly what does privilege mean to you privilege means to me having the financial ability to have the best of everything the best education the best clothes best home the best car everything materialistic I agree with that privilege is so many good things in life you consider yourself privileged in respect to enjoying our lives and round let me think so I consider myself privileged I'm going to say no because there are things that I can't afford that I would like to have I mean I have everything that I want but it was like a dream list of things I would have to say that now I'm sticking with what I said I will sure like a children can learn from which has the rules can you think of a time when you felt when you really felt your privilege it's okay if the answer is no well I could think of times when I felt more better off than somebody else because the things that I've had it done you want a specific answer sure if you have one like if I tell somebody we got a brand new car and then I seen that makes me feel like I'm lucky or you don't feel better than no I don't feel better than anybody else if I have more than somebody else and something that I would feel more can you think of a time when you felt disadvantage or at a disadvantage and you can interpret that as you up I'm sure there was I would say it two times in my life when I worked at certain places and I work with people word good people and I felt disadvantage I can't ask her there is but I can't come up with a good example I don't think so no can you say why just cuz you expect something you expect it doesn't necessarily happen maybe you weren't something and it came at you you might do you ever feel compelled to act when I say that when you were at a disadvantage or you saw someone at a disadvantage or whatever the situation if you ever feel compelled to say white why you treating that person like that who you okay and that's not at all what I thought you were resting what do you think what you think I asked so I thought you were acting like is there a time when I felt I didn't have something and I saw somebody else have it and what did I do to get that for myself as well example my friend has a beautiful dress and I didn't you know somebody was I going to do to be able to go get that sing beautiful dress work harder saved my money though you don't go to the same store and get the same thing do you know where to start so if you did want to ask we felt like you should ask you know where to start Google if I answer on what I said yeah I would they can be yes or no or you can elaborate it's up to you if you turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and you will see people who look like you widely is positively represented what's the last part of that again at times yes yes and Wyatt time I might I might turn on the TV and see somebody that you might have the same kind of Lifestyles I do with same situation I'm in my life situation and it look like a happy person and I say okay you know what I could see that and then sometimes I turn it on and I'll see somebody who's who's very unhappy who's treated unfairly and I get very upset about that so it's not like me and as far as opening up reading a newspaper on the front page bad news that song in the news so in that respect if that's the case then I would say that's not like me that persons not like me and then the last question I can be pretty sure that if I got angry and asked to talk to the person in charge I will be facing a person who looks like me I have no comment on that agree or disagree and now I never thought about that not necessarily so no never gave that any thought so if you went if you went to a department store and you had to return something and the person who spoke you is rude and you wanted to speak to your manager would that manager look like you I would give it any thought hassles like you do they expect okay well